Statement One Transcript: Elian

I wanted to take the time to address the concerns we have seen on socials. Thank you for your patience as we've prepared this statement. With the series currently in production, our crew and cast are busy and working hard, making it challenging to stay active on social media due to rigorous hours on set and production responsibilities. With that said, we're dedicated to transparent communication, especially regarding your concerns.

We first want to address a problematic person who used to be linked to the project. Recently, someone who's caused traumatic experiences to multiple marauders content creators has been talked about more on socials. Elian, the person who held the social media management role in the project, for a couple weeks, is someone we cut ties with as soon as we were made aware of their behaviour. They left the project as soon as they realized we were made aware of their actions, and before we had a chance to remove them for the project ourselves.They have been a very toxic person to many, consistently disregarding established boundaries and causing distress to numerous individuals both within and outside of the project.

As it is no one’s place to demand victims to talk about or even allow others to discuss their experiences, we will not be disclosing details of what happened. We will be discussing the facts about how we handled the situation.

The reason for the lack of an earlier statement about this issue is due to the respect we hold towards the process and healing time of the ones who have been affected by it. The victims right to space and privacy is of upmost importance for us.

With that said, The Rise of The Order does, above all, stand against everything Elian has done or has been doing, and stand against Elian themselves. It is understandable to want to know our position regarding such an important matter. but the victim blaming in addition to the accusations of protecting an abuser because of the lack of statement is something we condemn. Our previous silence does not align with the idea that we were shielding or protecting an abuser.

Thank you for listening to what needed to be said, from the whole TROTO cast and crew.